
Cartopsis signifies the cartographic sight of the world. Based in France, relying on the scientific methods of geography, Cartopsis follows the French cartographic school of thought. It is inspired by the scale, a focusing tool as well as a point of reference. It is fed from personal experiences in private, public and international organizations, that reinforced the belief that cartographic perception is an essential instrument for transforming reality.


Cartopsis is from now on at your service in order to create thematic maps for geographic data. These cartographic representations, designed through a scientific and technical procedure, are aimed to manage, analyse and transmit spatial information.


Cartopsis offers thematic maps in three languages (Greek, French and English) and addresses a wide audience: editors and journalists, academic institutions, research organisms, public administrations as well as professionals and companies that need to process geographic data.


Cartopsis guaranties a professional cartography, following the principles of graphic semiology, adjusted to the needs of the user, with great flexibility.


Dimitri Papamichaïl

Dimitri Papamichaïl is a geographer specialized on hydrocarbon geopolitics. He has an MA on Territorial Analysis from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University at Paris and on Energy Politics from the European University at Saint-Petersburg. He has occupied various positions in the Hellenic Army, in the European Parliament, as well as in the editing sector.


Dimitri’s cartography focuses on the representation of geopolitical information, such as conflicts, economic relations and demographic data at a large scale. Through his professional experiences, he broadens constantly the themes of his cartographic essays.

Specialized Colloborator

Nicolas Dimitriadis

Nikolas Dimitriadis is a historian and designer. He studied Archeology and Modern Greek History at the University of Athens.


He works in publishing as a designer and editor. Since 2010 he regularly publishes articles, illustrations, caticatures and writings for various political publications.


For his essays he combines analysis with maps and graphic representations (Infographics).